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ToolMaven offers comprehensive design services to help you visualize ideas, engage and inform.

Beyond technology, the design process is about connecting people.

The Collaborative Process

Whether you are an artist seeking to create an online portfolio or a firm exploring how to develop an online presence, ToolMaven works with you to create compelling visual solutions that resonate with viewers.

During each project phase, you will have the opportunity to review content and design elements for consistency and accuracy to ensure that expectations are met.

Online or offline, ToolMaven can provide guidance on defining a unique experience that will best support the interaction between you and your audience.

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graphic: design process


Assess: Define goals and expectations, project requirements and constraints.

Discover: Observe what people do. Conduct interviews. Document existing processes, services, products. Review field literature.

Analyze: Plot data and map trends. Identify the challenge(s).


Ideate: Storyboard. Brainstorm concept ideas or work from existing services and products.

Prototype: Test concept. Iterate.

Build: Implement design/redesign strategy.


Update content, measure outcomes, cultivate feedback and new ideas.